This applies to the boys too. If you want to get the best out of your morning preparation photos, just follow these tips and you'll not go wrong.
Tidy up. Whether you're in a hotel, a cottage, your own home or your parents', if you had a 'good night' before, remember to whip round in the morning (or get your bridesmaids to do it) and pick up all the empty bottles, pizza boxes, whatever. If you've had breakfast, chuck it out into the corridor, take it to the kitchen or just get rid of the scraps and clutter. Boys, if you've slept in the room the night before pick up your pants. If you do it, it means we don't have to! Having a tidy room is the best tip we can give you so if it's the only thing you do, make it this one.
Good light. Try and find the room with the best natural light to get ready in. It'll make hair and makeup easier and it means the photos will come out a hundred times nicer. A chair facing a window is absolutely perfect. Ceiling-mounted spotlights are our worst enemy, they create awful shadows on your face, so if you at least manage to avoid them, we'll be grateful and you will be too.
If something's happening, tell us. This is probably not something you'll need to do as we work in a very documentary/reportage style all throughout the day so we're always on the lookout for little things that happen. But, sometimes during morning preparations there can be quite a few closed doors as people get ready and we're not always in the room. If something is about to happen, like opening a present from the groom, let us know, as we'd love to be able to capture that for you.
Same Sex Wedding? Get ready together. This is especially applicable (but by no means exclusive to) to same-sex weddings who do this far more frequently. It's a nice break from tradition and it's nice to see you dress each other, it adds a nice intimate touch to the day. Any couple can do this though. If you're not superstitious or just like the idea of waking up together and having a leisurely breakfast together, this might be just the ticket to a more relaxed wedding morning. The bonus for us is that it makes your morning preparation photos more about the two of you as you can help dress each other and the intimacy and romance of that is something quite special!
Last minute preparations. If you've got a speech still to memorise, festoon lights to hang, or a card to your new wife-to-be still to write, let us be a part of that. Photos of those last minute thoughtful touches are important and really build on the story of your day together. We like to be there for everything we possibly can and it's moments like these that turn it from being 'wedding photography' to a documentary of your day.

Our last piece of advise is delegate everything you possibly can to everyone else. Enjoy your morning and relax.

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