Normally outtake photos end up on the metaphorical cutting room floor, but for Hannah & Eliot, every outtake photo just cemented the fact that they had so much fun at their wedding. I think they both spent the entire day laughing, giggling and enjoying themselves and we were there to capture all that fun, bottle it up and give back those memories to keep forever.
Eliot was best man at Lindsey & Euan's wedding a couple of years ago and Euan repaid the honour by being Eliot's best man. We shan't say what our final verdict was on whose speech was best!
After a lovely ceremony at The Mansion overlooking Roundhay Park Hannah & Eliot braved a slightly grey and blustery day for their portraits around the park and did it with a smile on their faces, discussing the possibility of what would happen if Eliot were to be caught whilst drinking in the park - would they really send him to prison on his wedding day!?
The ever-astounding Dine Catering were on hand with fabulous food and fantastic service before the excellent speeches before hitting the dancefloor! Enjoy the photos!
If you enjoyed Hannah & Eliot's Wedding at The Mansion, Roundhay Park and are looking for a wedding photographer why not drop us an email 🙂

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