It's been a long while since we did a personal blog post. We get so caught up in all the fervor of wedding season that we often have little time to stop and make photographs for ourselves. What follows is a compendium of 2016 (and a bit of 2015 too), all our trips and home life and what features quite readily: the allotment. We took over our quarter plot allotment a year ago this week. We changed it from a shabby, neglected weed patch to a bountiful little bit of heaven. We doubled it in size in July and took over an adjacent plot and it's becoming an all consuming hobby that we've relished in!
We shoot all our personal photos on film using any one of four favourite cameras: Rolleiflex 3.5F, Canon AE1, Canon QL17 GIII, Minolta Hi-Matic AF2. We like the permanence of the moment with film. It provides us with a real connection with the moment compared to digital where we could fire off a dozen photos and pick the best one. With film, that's not really an option so a degree of choosing the 'decisive moment' comes into play, the moment we see as the best one to capture. It also offers us the opportunity to have a permanent storage of our negatives, knowing that they'll still be there and printable when we're 80 years old (just as our grandparents' negatives are) and won't get lost to the depths of digital dust.
Memories are important, that's why we all take photos. When we take photos at weddings we know we're not just providing a service; the photos we take will last a lifetime's worth of memories and then some. It doesn't matter whether you take your photos on film or digital, just remember to print them, display them, have them around you to remind you of all the good times in your life - it's something you'll never regret doing.

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