Every so often we like to post a few photos from our own travels and exploits - and everyone seems to like these posts too, so here we are again! Being so busy in the summer, and with 40 weddings this year, we tend to cram in as much as possible into our brief winter and early spring interludes. We shoot it all on film, just because that's what we like to do and post some favourites here a couple of times a year.
So... what did we get up to?
Well, James graduated his Masters Degree with distinction (Lianne graduated hers earlier in the summer, also with distinction). We both really enjoyed doing our separate postgraduate degrees, even if it was a lot of hard work but we are also glad to have them out of the way! Juggling weddings and essay after essay was pretty draining. We both had a focus on photography; Lianne's was on the anthropology of photography and James' was on photography in contemporary art. It'll be nice to see where these degrees take us in the future.
We're very much into our gardening and allotment (if you didn't know by now, we have an instagram account dedicated solely to our allotment!) but as the food growing season winds down in the winter, we like to really get middle-aged and visit gardens. We became members of the RHS which generally just means we get to go for a nice walk around our local Harlow Carr whenever we want and stop at Betty's Tearoom for a Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee too... yum!
We explored lots of Yorkshire, from gorges to hills and everything in between experiencing the best of rural Yorkshire life. We also went to Dusseldorf on a last minute holiday and visited the site of the first Neanderthal ever found and also to Cologne and climbed every single last step of Kölner Dom for a total of 533 narrow, steep, spiral steps! Worth it though!
And lastly, James launched his new side-project, Hortographie. He's now shooting gardens all over the region and has been featured in the prestigious McQueens, already. You likely won't hear anything more about it on here, so if you'd like, go follow over on his Hortographie instagram account.

Here's to another amazing Summer of weddings where we'll be our busiest ever and will hit the milestone of our 200th wedding in July!

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