Time for a brief interlude in our mega-busy August of weddings. In May, Lianne and I did a tour around Saxony in Germany for our 13th anniversary. We took in the sights of Berlin (James' 3rd trip and Lianne's 2nd), Postdam, Leipzig and Colditz and the trip was even more special as we got to take James' dad on his very first trip abroad. James' dad spent four days with us in Berlin in our spacious AirBnB apartment in the (aptly named) suburb of Wedding before flying back home. It was a real honour to be able to share this experience with dad and will provide treasured memories for the future.
As always, we spent a good two months planning which camera(s) to take! In the end we settled for our trusty Rolleiflex 3.5F which we use a lot at weddings and quite frankly, creates photos we always print to frame in the house - you can't really take a bad picture with it! We also brought along a new favourite camera, a pocketable Minolta Hi-Matic AF2. It's a bit of a crap camera as features go and we often refer to it as 'Clutter-Cam' for it's odd ability to make any room look like a pig sty through photography! But it's great at just being a little 35mm camera for all those quick snaps that don't warrant the time and effort of the Rolleiflex.
The full 4 part story of our road trip will be coming soon to our travel blog over at Two On Tour. But for now, here's a little visual run-down of places we went over the two weeks including our amazing Leipzig apartment - a huuuuge artists studio in the Leipzig Spinnerei. As we're huge art lovers and collectors, it was like a mecca to us and it was money well spent and AirBnB delivered again! We spent our anniversary day seeking out Mexican food (our favourite), although Germany is apparently not cool with spiciness in general which led to the worst burrito in the history of the world, better resembling a straw than a real burrito. That their hottest hot sauce was no spicier than sour cream! We then took to the studio to sketch and paint portraits of each other as a little memento of the day. And amongst trips to Colditz castle to explore the famous escape routes and to see the amazing Sanssouci palace in Potsdam we rounded it all off with a final day just floating on the most idyllic lake without a soul to be seen. What an amazing trip!
One of the places we haven't photographed a wedding yet is in Germany! If you're looking for a fine art Berlin wedding photographer, drop us a line - we know it well!

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