After 23 years together, when the law changed to allow them to legally marry, Anne and Lesley decided to go right ahead and do it 'because they could'! What better reason does one need!? They chose the Yorkshire Wedding Barn (aka. Gilling Old Mill Barn) in Gilling West with it's stunning, manicured grounds and views for miles over Richmond and the surrounding area.
They got ready in the cottages on site, which come complete with their own individual hot tubs. It's a fantastic place to unwind and set the scene for a nice relaxed wedding. As family and guests gathered on the terrace for drinks, Anne and Lesley joined them before the ceremony for a while enjoying the glorious sunny day. They were then led to their outdoor ceremony in the gazebo by jazz quartet, Mad Dog who led the way all throughout the day with their humorous antics and upbeat jazz.
The rest of the day consisted on informal speeches on the terrace, a delicious barbecue and a surprise gaggle of 'bridesmaids'! We love their rainbow inspired wedding decorations too! A portrait session in the evening sun in the country lanes and wheat field rounded off their exceptionally laid back wedding day.

If you're looking for a same sex wedding photographer, why not drop us a line!?
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I am also a wedding photographer and just wanted to say what an awesome set of images this is, very well done guys!! fantastic work!